News & Events

The YRDP held a three-day training “on Young Digital Citizens and ICT” in Siemreap Province


August 09, 2021

On the 6th to 8th of August 2021, the Public Relations and Social Sensitization Program (PReSS) of the Youth Resource Development Program (YRDP) held a three-day training in Siemreap province with the topic “Young Digital Citizens and ICT.” This training was conducted with a specific goal. To improve youth capacity in using social media for personal and social development in the name of Young Digital Citizens and Citizens Journalists.

This training was conducted which had 31 participants, aimed to give

After completing the three-day program, youths gained technical skills in using social media securely, as well as the ability to produce quality videos, photos, and report on social issues impacting youth and the general public.

Furthermore, youths recognize the significance of social media in resolving social issues and earning more beneficiaries for their everyday use for personal and societal growth.